Lebanese Governement

Presidency of the Republic   http://www.presidency.gov.lb
Presidency of the Lebanese Parliament   http://www.lp.gov.lb
Presidency of the Council of Ministers   http://www.pcm.gov.lb


Ministry of Agriculture   http://www.agriculture.gov.lb
Ministry of Culture   http://www.culture.gov.lb
Ministry of Displaced   http://www.ministryofdisplaced.gov.lb
Ministry of Economy and Trade   http://www.economy.gov.lb
Ministry of Education and Higher Education   http://www.mehe.gov.lb
Directorate General of Higher Education   http://www.higher-edu.gov.lb
Ministry of Energy and Water   http://www.energyandwater.gov.lb
Ministry of Environment   http://www.moe.gov.lb
Ministry of Finance   http://www.finance.gov.lb
     Paris III Reform Program   Click here
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants   http://www.emigrants.gov.lb
Ministry of Industry   http://www.industry.gov.lb
Ministry of Information   http://www.ministryinfo.gov.lb
Ministry of Interior and Municipalities   http://www.moim.gov.lb
Ministry of Justice   http://www.justice.gov.lb
Ministry of Labor   http://www.labor.gov.lb
Ministry of National Defense   http://www.lebarmy.gov.lb
Ministry of Public Health   http://www.public-health.gov.lb
Ministry of Public Works and Transport   http://www.public-works.gov.lb
Ministry of Social Affairs   http://www.socialaffairs.gov.lb
Ministry of Telecommunications   http://www.mpt.gov.lb
Ministry of Tourism   http://www.destinationlebanon.gov.lb
Ministry of Youth and Sports   http://www.minijes.gov.lb
Office of the Minister of State for Administration Reform (OMSAR)   http://www.omsar.gov.lb

Other Public Administrations:

Beirut’s Official Website   http://www.beirut.gov.lb
Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport (BRHIA)   http://www.beirutairport.gov.lb
Beirut Port   http://www.portdebeyrouth.com
Beirut Stock Exchange (BSE)   http://www.bse.com.lb
Central Bank (BDL)   http://www.bdl.gov.lb
Central Administration for Statistics (CAS)   http://www.cas.gov.lb
Chamber of Commerce and Industry   http://www.ccib.org.lb
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon   http://www.cciat.org.lb
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon   http://www.ccias.org.lb
Center for Strategic Studies Research and Documentation   http://www.cssrd.org.lb
Central Inspection Board   http://www.cib.gov.lb
Civil Service Board   http://www.csb.gov.lb/
Council of Development and Reconstruction (CDR)   http://www.cdr.gov.lb
Court of Audit   http://www.coa.gov.lb
Directorate General of the General Security   http://www.surete-generale.gov.lb
Duty Free Zone   http://www.beirutdutyfree.com
Educational Council for Research and Development   http://www.crdp.org
Electricité du Liban (EDL)   http://www.edl.gov.lb
Elyssar   http://www.elyssar.com
Higher Council for Privatization   http://www.hcp.gov.lb
Industrial Research Institute (IRI)   http://www.iri.org.lb
Ministry of Information National News Agency   http://www.nna-leb.gov.lb
Institute of Finance   http://www.if.org.lb
Internal Security Forces   http://www.isf.gov.lb
Investment Promotion Agency of the Lebanon (IDAL)   http:///www.idal.com.lb
Lebanese Customs   http://www.customs.gov.lb
Lebanese Government Portal for Information and Forms   http://www.informs.gov.lb
Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research   http://www.cnrs.edu.lb
Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR)   http://www.libnor.org
Middle East Airlines (MEA)   http://www.mea.com.lb
National Archive Center   http://www.can.gov.lb
National Employment Office (NEO)   http://www.neo.gov.lb
National Social Security Fund   http://www.cnss.gov.lb
OGERO   http://www.ogero.gov.lb
Rebuild Lebanon   http://www.rebuildlebanon.gov.lb
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority   http://www.tra.gov.lb
The Lebanese Center of Policy Studies   http://www.lcps.org.lb